
Universita' degli Studi di Torino
Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino




A one-day workshop for scientists and students at

 Villa Gualino, Conference Hall Torino
Viale Settimio Severo 63, Torino

Wednesday, February 21st, 2001


     09:00-A. Ferrari (Torino): Introduction

     1. The nature of dark matter: modelling and detection

     09:15-N. Fornengo (Torino): Particle Dark Matter: Candidates and Direct Detection
     09:45-S. Scopel (Torino): Particle Dark Matter: Indirect Detection
     10:15-A. Spagna/D. Carollo (Torino): Baryonic Dark Matter: Search for Ancient Cool White Dwarfs
                                                                            in the Galactic Halo

     10:45-Coffee Break

     2. The expected distribution of dark matter

     11:15-V. Antonuccio-Delogu (Catania): Dark Matter Halos of Galaxies
     11:45-G. Tormen (Padova): Dark Matter Halos of Galaxy Clusters
     12:15-A. Diaferio (Torino): The Distribution of  Dark Matter Halos on Large Scales


     3. The luminous-dark matter connection

     14:30-C. Travaglio (Heidelberg): Chemo-dynamical Evolution of the Galaxy
     15:00-A. Curir (Torino): Dynamics of Galaxies and Photometric Properties
     15:30-L. Moscardini (Padova): The Distribution of Galaxies and Clusters

     16:00-Coffee Break
     16:30-M. Geller (Cambridge): Measuring Mass Profiles of Galaxy Clusters

     17:00-Concluding Remarks


A seminar related to this workshop will be held
on Tuesday, February 20th, 2001 at 16:00
Dipartimenti di Fisica, Aula Wick
Via Giuria 1, Torino

R. Bernabei (Roma Tor Vergata/INFN): Results and Perspectives of the WIMP Search by the DAMA Experiment at Gran Sasso

Everybody is invited to the

Giovedi' Scienza

Public Lecture

 Margaret J. Geller

Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

La geografia dell'Universo:

Un viaggio intergalattico virtuale

Thursday, February 22nd, 2001  at 17:45

Teatro Colosseo
Via Madama Cristina, 71


Last update: Feb 16, 2001, by A. Diaferio
Background image by J. M. Colberg; courtesy of the Max-Planck Institut fuer Astrophysik