The course introduces the theoretical foundation of fluids and plasma physics with applications to astrophysics and the recent developments in this research field.
Lectures will be held Tuesday (09:00-11:00, Aula D) and Wednesday (16:00-18:00, Aula Wick) starting from
October 1st (Tuesday) 2024 —> December 17th (Tuesday).
Previous years lectures may be found here.
Online Material:
Full Lectures:
- Euler equations
- MHD waves
- Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability
- Current Instabilities
- Rayleigh-Taylor Instability
- (A short outline on) Nonlinear Waves (.pdf or .pptx)
- Transport Phenomena (Chapman-Enskog)
Additional Material:
- Supplementary notes, Ch. 1
- Supplementary notes, Ch. 2
- Supplementary notes, Ch. 3
- Supplementary notes, Ch. 4
- Supplementary notes, Ch. 5
- Particle motion in external electromagnetic field:
orbit.tgz. (last updated: 11 Oct 2022).
Please see the README file for instruction.
- Plasma Physics Lab: (last update: 29 Nov 2021): plasma_physics_lab.tgz.